Schedule (site updated 6/7/20)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Onyxia 9pm ZG 9PM ZG 9PM

CC Rep





CC Rep


Our weekend raids are scheduled early in the day (4pm) so guild members can PUG a group for MC/BWL (there's many of them running almost every night of the week). Other than Onyxia, we won't be organizing guild 40 mans until AQ40.

We are recruiting! Please contact an officer to discuss joining Zulian Cartel.

1 - Invites are "first come, first invite". Log into the game early and be in STV if you want to make sure you get a spot in the raid. 

2 - We use Ventrilo 3 for communication. The goal of voice software is to communicate during a raid. Period. A paid Ventrilo server provides the clearest form of voice communication (meaning "no lag and/or general game conflicts"). We will not be switching to any other form of voice communication. Ventrilo server information is posted in the Guild Information section in game.

3 - Our raid goals are to gear our main toons (and some alts) through Zul Gurub and to get as many people as possible to exalted with Zandalar. From there, we go to The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (20 man) and then Temple of Anh'Qiraj (40 man) (after AQ40 we go to Naxxramas, but that's a long ways off). I deliberately scheduled the weekend raid times at 4pm Sat/Sun to allow players to pug an MC and/or BWL in the evenings on weekends. It's understandable that players would be interested in seeing that content and to get some of that gear. (Keep in mind, to get a full set of gear from MC/BWL would take at least 6 months of dedicated raiding.) Our progression schedule:  Zul Gurub -- > AQ20 -- > AQ40 -- > Naxxramas

4 - Tanks and Healers will always have some priority on raid loot. If you are scheduled as a tank or healer on raid nights, please remember that 19 other people are depending on you to show up! If you are incapable of committing your healer or tank to specific raid times, you must let Glendor / DrGlendor know ASAP and I will remove your character from that committed time slot. Note: we will not give gear to uncommitted tanks or healers.


Those are the basic raid guidelines for Zulian Cartel. If any member of our guild tells you differently, please let Glendor or Thedious or Lonneger know which player is advising you of counter information. 

Why is loot restricted to certain classes? "highest and best use" is the general rule for loot. The goal is to strengthen the raid as quickly as possible. An example of "highest and best use" is  Mandokir's Sting has 37.5 DPS, +11 Agility, + 8 Stamina. While many rogues and warriors might want it because it boosts their agility/stamina by a few points, they won't be maximizing the use of the 37.5 DPS, which a Hunter would. So, "highest and best use" means Mandokir's Sting goes to any Hunter first if that weapon is an upgrade. Same rules apply for weapons such as Hakkari Warblades and others. 

I'm a Paladin and I can wear cloth! Why can't I roll on cloth gear? A pally has four options for gear: plate, mail, leather, and cloth. Priests have one: cloth. So, priests will always get first priority on cloth healing gear, as will Druids for leather healing gear. 

But I"m so special! Haven't you seen my DPS/Healing stats? I DESERVE gear before everyone else! If you share such an opinion, then please go back to Retail where welfare epics began. If you want gear in our raids, #1 you must attend the raid, and #2 you must win the roll against other people who can also roll on the item. 

Next in line for ZG weapons: 

Warblade of the Hakkari: Phoeberia (Off Hand, Mandokir)

Warblade of the Hakkari: Foomer (either sword, off spec rolls everything else)

Zin' Rokh Destroyer of Worlds: Chanclas (off spec rolls everything else)

No longer eligible for ZG melee or ranged weapons:

Twinkprime - acquired both Hakkari Warblades + Gurubashi Dwarf Destroyer (no ranged, no melee weapon rolls)

Deldir - acquired Zin' Rokh Destroyer of Worlds + Gurubashi Dwarf Destroyer (no ranged, no melee weapon rolls)

Swifts - acquired Mandokir's Sting (no ranged weapon rolls)

Phoeberia - acquired Rhok'delar (no ranged weapon rolls)

Bowtastic - acquired Mandokir's Sting (no ranged weapon rolls)


Note: ZG resets every 3 days! Please park your toon at the instance or in Duskwood (please don't rely on summons!)


Team #1: Tuesday 9pm, Wednesday 9pm

Tanks: Mickjab (War), Elvendruid (D), Foom (D)

Healers: DrGlendor (P), Darttfield-WED Only (Pal), Thedious (P), Jerren (Pal), Glifferd (P), Florian (D)

DPS: Bowtastic (H), Punkaas (H), Deldir (H), Juley (M), Bloviate (R), Foomer (R),  Twinkprime (War), Swifts (H), Putriwanda (M), Codar (Priest), Mandingo (R), Tripp (D), Gusano (M), Phoeberia (H), Ciniclock (W), Glendor (H)

No longer wishes to raid on Tue/Wed: Meatplow, Tripp


Team #2: Saturday 4pm, Sunday 4pm

Tanks: Lonneger (War), Alltheway (War), Tripp (D), Meatplow (War)

Healers: Mcjab (P), Zera (P), Dandonolan (P), Happyhelper (P), Ursicinus (P)

DPS: Marnopa (M), Julianna (H), Porschefan (M), Urith (W), Caracela (W), Ciniclock (W), Hopbutcher (H),  Glendor (H), Foom (D), Phoeberia (H), Gusano (M),


Loot Restrictions

All loot will have one level of restriction that relates to specific armor class and/or class types. If the restricted classes do not want the item, then move to the next level of loot restriction:

Basic Loot Rules:  Armor Class + Main Spec > Main Spec > Off Spec > Vendor


Crafting Materials - All crafting materials will be kept in guild. No exceptions. These materials will be used to support the raids. Crafting materials found in Zul Gurub (and their crafted gear): Bloodvine (Herb), Souldarite (Ore), Primal Bat Leather (Skin).


Channeler's Head - This quest item drops from the priests. It takes 5 heads for the quest turn in. Here is the belt. 


Coins and Bijous - All coins and bijous will be kept in guild. No exceptions. These will be used to support our raids.


Arlokk's Grasp and Thekal's Grasp - Rogue, DPS Warrior and Hunter with a preference to Rogue/Warrior first, then Hunter. Win one of these and you will be given the other automatically when it drops.

Warblade of the Hakkari and Warblade of the Hakkari - Fury Warrior, Rogue. Win one of these and you will be given the other automatically when it drops. (Twinkprime set 5/24)

Overlord's Crimson Band and Overlord's Onyx Band - Tanks. Win one of these and you will be given the other automatically when it drops. 

Caster DPS rings and healer rings with set bonuses - Win one of these and you will be given the complementing set piece automatically when it drops. These are ilevel 68 and 71 rings. Once you win a set piece, please pass on non-set rings that drop.

Caster DPS set - Zanzil's Band + Zanzil's Seal (ilevel 68 & 71) (Urith 5/31) 
Physical DPS - Seal of Jin + Band of Jin (ilevel 68 & 68) (Deldir set 5/9) (Glendor set 5/10) (Twinkprime set 5/30)
Healers - Primalist's Band + Primalist's Seal (ilevel 68 & 71) (DrGlendor set 4/25) (Thedious set 5/5) (Jerren set 5/13) (Zerawind 6/3/20 set) 

Tanks - Overlord's Crimson Band + Overlord's Onyx Band (Elvendruid set 4/28) (Foom set 5/3) (Meatplow 5/6) (Mickjab 5/19) (Twinkprime 5/26)


Crafted gear for raiders: 

Bloodvine Leggings: (Ciniclock 4/28) (Urith 5/2) (Squeandapped 5/11) (Caracela 5/19)

Primal Batskin Bracers: (Elvendruid 5/12) (Foom 5/20)

Primal Batskin Gloves: (Elvendruid 5/12) (Foom 5/20)

Primal Batskin Jerkin: (Elvendruid 5/12) (Foom 5/20)

Bloodsoul Shoulders: (Deldir, Swifts, Glendor, Kle 4/30, Punkaas 5/3)

Bloodsoul Breastplate: (Bowtastic, Bruw 5/14)

Blood Tiger Breastplate: (Tripp 4/29)

Blood Tiger Shoulders: (Tripp 4/29)


Primal Hakkaris - Open Rolling

Primal Hakkari Bindings Paladin, Mage, Hunter (Jerren 5/20) (Deldir ?/??) (Caradandy 5/26) (Porschefan 5/31)

Primal Hakkari Armpslint Shaman, Rogue, Warrior (Meatplow 5/23) (Alltheway 5/31) (Foomer 5/31) (Drakeul 6/7/20)

Primal Hakkari Stanchion Priest, Warlock, Druid (Foom 5/26) (DrGlendor 5/26) (Mcjab 5/30) (Caracela 5/31) (Thedious 6/3/20) (Uricinus 6/3/20) (Happyhealer 6/7/20)

Primal Hakkari Girdle Shaman, Rogue, Warrior (Alltheway 5/23) (Drakeul 6/9/20)

Primal Hakkari Sash Priest, Warlock, Druid (Caracela 5/24) (Happyhealer 5/30) (Urith 5/31) (DrGlendor 6/3/20) (Elvendruid 6/3/20) (Icecubes 6/3/20) (Foom 6/9/20)

Primal Hakkari Shawl Paladin, Mage, Hunter (Porschefan 5/23) ((Deldir 5/26) (Marnopa 5/30) (Glendor 5/31)

Primal Hakkari Kossack Warlock, Mage, Warrior (Caradandy 6/3/20)

Primal Hakkari Aegis Priest, Rogue, Hunter (Glendor 5/10) (Swifts 5/11) (DrGlendor 5/26) (Dandonolan 5/30)

Primal Hakkari Tabbard Shaman, Paladin, Druid (Elvendruid 6/3/20) (Chanclas 6/7/20)


Punctured Voodoo Dolls - Guild bank. These will be given to those who need them for various ZG rewards.


Main Spec > Off Spec

Whatever spec you are designated for in the current instance (Tank, Healer, DPS), that is your Main Spec as it relates to drops. Example: A druid that is designated as a tank for the current instance can only roll as Main Spec on leather tanking gear. If DPS leather gear drops, the druid tank cannot roll/bid on the item unless all other leather DPS classes choose to pass on the item.

High Priest Venoxis

Blooddrenched Footpads - Rogues/Druid DPS (Bloviate 4/16) (Foomer 4/28) (Tripp 5/9) (Twinkprime 5/23) (Foom 5/26)

Zanzil's Band - Caster DPS (Hollyemerson 4/15) (Doros 4/22) (Squeandapped 5/10) (Caracela 5/20) (Urith 5/31)

Zulian Stone Axe - Hunter/Paladin DPS (Glendor ?/??) (Swifts 5/30) (Chanclas 6/3/20)

Zulian Tigerhide Cloak - Hunter/Rogue/Druid DPS (Foomer 5/5)

Runed Bloodstained Hauberk - Hunter/Paladin DPS (Julliana 5/12) (Hopbutcher 5/17) (Nexvenator 6/9/20)

Belt of Untapped Power - (Shared Loot Table 5 Bosses) Cloth Healers / Caster DPS (Juley 4/23) (Squeandapped 5/5) (Porschefan 5/10) (Caradandy 5/26) (DrGlendor 5/26) (Icecubes 5/26) (Happyhealer 5/30) (Chanclas 6/7/20) (Hollyemerson 6/9/20)

Cloak of the Hakkari Worshippers - (Shared Loot Table 5 Bosses) Healers/Caster DPS/Paladins (Caracela 5/9) (Hollyemerson 5/9) (Jerren 5/12) (Juley 5/17) (Squeandapped 5/19) (Ciniclock 5/20) (Caradandy 5/26) (Urith 6/7/20)

Fang of Venoxis - Caster DPS (Codar 4/21) (Juley 5/2) (Squeandapped 5/14)

Gloves of the Tormented - (Shared Loot Table 5 Bosses) Hunters (Deldir 4/22) (Kle 4/28) (Deldir 4/29 ??) (Glendor 5/23) (Swifts 5/31)

Zulian Headdress - (Shared Loot Table 5 Bosses)  Priest healers (Thedious 4/16) (Dandonolan 4/25) (DrGlendor 4/28) (Happyhelper 5/2) (Glifferd 5/17) (Florian 5/20) (Ursicinus 5/23) (Zerawind 5/31) (Chanclas 6/3/20) (Elvendruid 6/9/20)

Sacrificial Gauntlets - (Shared Loot Table 5 Bosses) Warrior DPS (Lonneger 4/15) (Twinkprime 4/22) (Meatplow 5/5) (Mickjab 5/6) (Chanclas 6/7/20) (Mickjab 6/9/20)

Seal of the Gurabashi Berserker - (Shared Loot Table 5 Bosses) Physical DPS (Hopbutcher 4/19) (Deldir 5/5) (Foomer 5/5) (Deldir 5/10 ??) (Tripp 5/10) (Lonneger 5/23) (Bowtastic 6/7/20)

Blooddrenched Mask - (Shared Loot Table 5 Bosses) Rogues/Druid DPS/Tank (Foomer 4/25) (Bloviate 4/26) (Florian 5/9) (Elvendruid 5/13) (Foom 5/20)

Might of the Tribe - (Shared Loot Table 5 Bosses) Physical DPS (Tripp 5/9) (Swifts 5/10) (Twinkprime 5/10) (Bloviate 5/13) (Bruw 5/14) (Foom 5/24) (Deldir 6/3/20) (Chanclas 6/3/20)

Zulian Scepter of Rites - (Shared Loot Table 5 Bosses) Healers (Glifferd 4/22) (Dandonolan 5/2) (Happyhelper 5/2) (Jerren 5/14) (Florian 5/30) (Zerawind 5/31) (Chanclas 6/3/20)

Band of Servitude - (Shared Loot Table 5 Bosses) Healers/DPS Casters (Marnopa 4/19) (Hollyemerson 4/28) (Juley 4/29) (Dandonolan 5/3) (Ursicinus 5/9) (Porschefan 5/19) (Darttfeld 5/19) (Happyhealer 5/23) (Caradandy 5/26) (Florian 5/31)

Venoxis Strategy:

High Priestess Jeklik

Jeklik's Opaline Talisman - Healers/caster dps  (Ciniclock 5/5) (Mcjab 5/9) (Marnopa 5/23) (Caracela 5/31) (Hollyemerson 6/9/20)

Primalist's Band - Healers (DrGlendor 4/15) (Jerren 4/22) 

Zulian Defender - Paladins (Darttfield 4/16) (Jerren 5/20)

Peacekeeper Boots - Paladins (Jerren 4/28)

Animist's Spaulders - Druid Healer (Darttfeld 5/10) (Florian 5/14) (Tripp 5/17)

Jeklik's Crusher - Melee DPS (Tripp 5/2)

Seafury Boots - Paladins

High Priestess Mar'li

Bloodstained Greaves - Hunters (Bowtastic 4/29) (Deldir 5/9) (Twinkprime 5/26) (Glendor 5/31)

Mar'li's Eye - Restricted to Healers (Dandonolan 5/16) (DrGlendor 5/20)

Band of Jin - Hunter/Rogue/Druid DPS (Swifts 4/25) (Tripp 5/2) (Deldir ??) (Glendor 5/10) (Twinkprime 5/30)

Talisman of Protection - Tanks (Elvendruid 5/13) (Foom 6/9/20)

Flowing Ritual Robes - Healers / caster dps (Caracela 5/23)

Mar'li's Touch - Wand users (Codar 4/23)

High Priest Thekal

Ritualistic Legguards - Priest Healers (Thedious 5/6) (Florian 5/13) (Glifferd 5/26)

Seal of Jin - Physical DPS (Bloviate 4/26) (Punkaas 5/6) (Deldir 5/9) (Glendor 5/10) (Twinkprime 5/23)

Zulian Slicer - Rogue/Warrior DPS (Bloviate 4/22)

Peacekeeper Leggings - Paladins (Jerren 4/29)

Seafury Leggings - Paladins

Betrayer's Boots - Caster DPS (Marnopa 5/2) (Porschefan 5/17) (Codar 5/19) (Urith 5/31) (Caradandy 6/3/20)

Thekal's Grasp - Melee DPS (Nexvenator 6/9/20)

Bloodlord Mandokir & Ohgan

Primal Hakkari Idol - Quest item for gear enchantment. Requires Punctured Voodoo doll. This will go to tanks and healers first and will be given to the one with best in slot legs/shoulder. (Meatplow 4/23) (Lonneger 4/23) (Tripp 4/29) (Foom 5/2) (Mickjab 5/5) (Glifferd 5/10) (Ursicinus 5/11) (Dandonolan 5/13) (Elvendruid 5/13) (Bruw 5/16) (Mcjab 5/16) (DrGlendor 5/19) (Florian 5/19) (Porschefan 5/24) (Swifts 5/24) (Jerren 5/26) (Zerawind 5/26) (Alltheway 5/30) (Happyhealer 5/31) (Glendor 5/31) (Juley 6/3/20) (Phoeberia 6/3/20) (Urith 6/3/20) (Caradandy 6/7/20) (Marnopa 6/9/20) (Twinkprime 6/9/20)

Bloodtinged Kilt - Caster DPS (Marnopa 5/10) (Caracela 5/31) (Caradandy 6/9/20)

Hakkari Loa Cloak - Healers (Dandonalan 6/3/20)

Animist's Leggings - Druid Healers (Darttfeld 4/29) (Foom 5/10)

Bloadsoaked Pauldrons - Warrior / Paladin Tanks (Lonneger 5/2) (Meatplow 5/5) (Twinkprime 5/16) (Alltheway 5/31)

Overlord's Crimson Band - Tank (Foom 4/23) (Meatplow 4/25) (Mickjab 5/19) (Twinkprime 5/26)

Primalist's Seal - Healer set piece (DrGlendor 4/25) (Thedious 5/5 SET) (Jerren 5/13 SET)

Zanzil's Seal - Caster DPS set piece (Icecubes 5/26) (Urith 5/30) (Caradandy 6/3/20)

Blooddrenched Grips - Rogue, Druid DPS (Bloviate 4/23) (Tripp 5/2) (Drakeul 6/9/20)

Halberd of Smiting - Warrior / Paladin DPS

Mandokir's Sting - Hunters (Swifts 5/24)

Warblade of the Hakkkari - Fury Warrior, Rogue set piece (see main hand Warblade of the Hakkari) (Twinkprime 5/20)

Bloodlord's Defender - Warrior / Paladin tank (Bloviate 5/19)

Swift Razzashi Raptor - Open Rolling

Edge of Madness

Heart of Hakkar - Open rolling (one time loot) (Dandonolan 5/6) (Hollyemerson/Meatplow/Krullster 5/9) (Darttfeld 5/11) (Elvendruid/Uriscinus/Novatian 5/14) (Marnopa/Codar 5/17) (Glifferd 5/20) (Juley/Julianna 5/23) (Twinkprime 5/26) (Ciniclock 6/3/20) (Caradandy/Caracela 6/7/20) (Drakeul 6/9/20)

Cloak of Consumption - Caster DPS

The Eye of Hakkar - Physical DPS (Phoeberia 5/14) (Bloviate 5/24) (Swifts 5/26) (Glendor 6/7/20)

Bloadsoaked Legplates - Tank (Lonneger 5/24) (Mickjab 6/7/20)

Soul Corrupter's Necklace - Caster DPS (Ciniclock 5/26)

Aegis of the Blood God - Tank (Mickjab 5/14) (Meatplow 6/7/20) (Lonneger 6/9/20)

Ancient Hakkari Manslayer - Physical DPS (Alltheway 5/17)

Fang of the Faceless - Physical DPS (Twinkprime 5/11)

Touch of Chaos - Wand Users (Marnopa 5/9) (Urith 5/17)

Warblade of the Hakkari - Fury Warrior, Rogue set piece (Twinkprime 5/24)

Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds - Arms Warrior / Hunter / Paladin (Deldir 5/6)

Bloodcaller - Caster DPS (Manopa 6/9/20)

Gurubashi Dwarf Destroyer - Hunters (Deldir 5/6) (Twinkprime 6/3/20)

Peacekeeper Gauntlets - Paladin (Ithalax 5/9) (Darttfeld 5/11) (Chanclas 6/2/20)

Seafury Gauntlets -

High Priestess Arlokk

Arlokk's Hoodoo Stick - Healers (Zerawind 6/9/20)

Bloodsoaked Greaves - Warrior (Mickjab 4/26) (Meatplow 5/31)

Overlord's Onyx Band - Tank (Elvendruid 4/28) (Foom 5/3/20) (Meatplow 5/6) (Lonneger 5/9) (Twinkprime 5/10) (Tripp 5/16) (Mickjab 5/19) (Loffgren 6/3/20)

Panther Hide Sack - Open rolling (one time loot) (Marnopa/Codar 4/26) (Icecubes 5/26) (Jerren 6/7/20)

Arlokk's Grasp - Fury Warrior, Rogue (Bloviate 5/24)

Will of Arlokk - Healers


Foror's Eye Patch - (Foomer 5/14) (Foom 6/2) (Drakeul 6/9/20)

Nat Pagle's Fish Terminator - 

Nat Pagle's Broken Reel - (Codar 4/24) (Juley 5/2) (Icecubes 5/10) (Marnopa 5/30)

Tigule's Harpoon - (Punkaas 5/6) (Deldir 5/26)

Tome of Polymorph: Turtle - (Porschefan 5/24) (Caradandy 5/26) (Marnopa 5/30)

Jin'do the Hexxer

Bloodstained Coif - Hunters (Deldir 5/26)

Blooddrenched Leggings - Rogue, Druid DPS/Tank (Tripp 5/16) (Elvendruid 5/19) (Foomer 5/31) (Drakeul 6/9/20)

Bloodsoaked Gauntlets - Warrior Tank (Mickjab 6/3/20)

Bloodstained Legplates - Hunters (Glendor 5/24)

Overlord's Embrace - Tanks (Druids should use Cloak of Warding) (Mickjab 6/3/20)

Animist's Boots - Druid Healer (Florian 5/16) (Tripp 5/31)

Jin'Do's Bag of Whammies - Caster DPS (Marnopa 5/11) (Caracela 5/13)

Bloodtinged Gloves - Caster DPS (Codar 5/19)

Jin'Do's Evil Eye - Healers (Mickjab 5/11) (Drglendor 5/13)

The Hexxer's Cover - DPS Caster (Juley 5/26) (Urith 6/7/20)

Jin'Do's Hexxer - Healers (Dandonolan 6/7/20)

Jin'Do's Judgement - Caster DPS


Gear Requirements and Reputation Goals



Reputation Goals:
Zandalar (ZG, Yojamba Isle quests): Exalted

Argent Dawn (WPL/EPL questing, Scholo, Strat): Revered

Cenarion Circle (Silithus questing): Honored


Nature Resist Starting Goal:  100+

Try to put together a set of gear that has both stamina and nature resistance. Use wowhead to research. And unless you're a tank, armor rating doesn't matter too much in most boss fights requiring NR, so that cloth +20 NR belt is great for most classes.

As our guild members gain reputation with Cenarion Circle, we can craft NR gear. Until then, there are quite a few drops that you can get from instances. Additionally, you can pick up NR rings on AH for relatively cheap.

Required Nature Resist cloak for future use: 

Grovekeeper's Drape - Celebras the Cursed (Mauradon) We can enchant this cloak with +15 Nature Resist, so that gives you +25 NR with one piece of gear. This cloak is easy to acquire, please get it!


Required Nature Resist chest for future use (get at least one):

Chan's Imperial Robes (cloth chest +5 NR) - BOE - Mith'rethis the Enchanter (Hinterlands)

Venomshroud Silk Robes (cloth chest +4 NR) - BOE (2g to 10g on AH)


Notable Nature Resist gear:

Brusslehide Legging (leather legs +10 NR) - Razorlash (Mauradon)

Phytoskin Spaulders (leather shoulder +10 NR) - Razorlash (Mauradon)

Chloromesh Girdle (cloth waist +20 NR) - Razorlash (Mauradon)

Acid Etched Pauldrons (plate shoulder +20 NR) - Nerub'enkan (Strat UD)

Cryptstalker Leggings (leather legs +14 NR) - Nerub'enkan (Strat UD)


20+ Stamina chest gear suggestions (look for Stamina gear in chest/wrist/boots):

Robes of the Lich (cloth chest) - Amnennar the Challenger (Razorfen Downs)

Ironweave Robe (cloth chest)

Chan's Imperial Robes (cloth chest +5 NR) - BOE - Mith'rethis the Enchanter (Hinterlands)

Venomshroud Silk Robes (cloth chest +4 NR) - BOE (2g to 10g on AH)

Warbear Harness (leather chest) - LW crafted

Plainstalker Tunic (leather chest) - Quest

Hakkari Breastplate (leather chest) - Sunken Temple

Heraldic Breastplate (leather chest) - BOE 

Scarlet Champion (mail chest) - BOE

Bloodlust Breastplate (mail chest) - BOE

Royal Decorated Armor (mail chest) - BRD General Angerforge

Protector Breastplate (mail chest) - BOE

Ebonhold Armor (mail chest) - BOE

Myrmidon's Breastplate (mail chest) - BOE